MarcaRopa, identifies your clothes and supplies for camps
| Sapos y Princesas
Sapos y Princesas
Thanks to labels, children can go to camps much safer. So much so that SaposyPrincesas publishes a news commenting on it.
It was time to prepare summer camps and thinking in the backpack. You will select the type of camp, depending on whether you want it to be entertainment, sports, learning languages ... Whatever, You need to check all their belongings to not miss anything! offers many possibilities to mark everything. With heat adhesive fabric labels you can mark all your clothes. You just have to cut the roll to size you need and iron on the garment label. For this you can also use the thermo-adhesive vinyl labels or traditional sewing. All termoadhesvias labels can be customized with background color, font, font and icon you like. Adhesive labels can also be customized. And since there are a number of measures are ideal to mark the vanity, brush, sneakers, water bottle, flashlight ...
More products
Thermo adhesive label to mark your clothes
Sew on labels
Iron-on colored labels
Vinyl label clothing
[en]bd_tp_Sello Marky
Pack 155 labels
Label to match socks
Vinyl wall slate
Children's vinyl wall slate
Pack 24 adhesive Slates to identify
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