How do we send your labels?

Once you have placed your order we need 2 to 3 business days to produce your labels. Your delivery will arrive in a protected envelope using the shipment methods you have chosen:

SPAIN Peninsula and Balearic Islands From 4 to 8 working days
From 3 to 5 working days
From 2 to 3 working days
reception in hand
SPAIN Canary Islands From 7 to 11 working days
From 4 to 7 working days
From 3 to 5 working days
EUROPE 6 to 12 working days
5 to 8 working days
4 to 5 working days
REST OF THE WORLD 6 to 14 working days
5 to 9 working days
4 to 6 working days
Embroidery products manufacture extra time: +6 days
Transfer orders extra time validation: +3 days
It includes 2 days of manufacture
mailbox delivery

Shipping related questions

¿How long shipping takes?

Our production time is 1/2 business days. If you choose normal delivery it will take between 7 and 12 days. If you choose Urgent mail you should add up to 5 days to our prouction time. And if you choose Urgent Courier you should add 1/2 day to our production time (depending on which part of the earth you live ;-) )

Summarising delivery will be as follows:
Ordinary mail: 1/2 days for production + 6/10 day for shipping => 7 to 12 business days
Urgent mail: 1/2 days for production + 2/3 days for shipping => 4 to 5 business days
Courier: 1 days for production + 1/2 days for shipping => 3 business days

*Note: if you choose bank transfer as payment method you should add 3 business days to delivery. That's because bank transfer need 3 days to arrive our account and being checked. Also woven labels need 15 days to be produced, so you should add this days to the delivery ones for each delivery method chosen.

Should I be home for delivery?

Ordinary letter shipments are delivered to the mailbox. Urgent shipments are hand delivered letter. You will receive on your mobile or mail delivery information. If you are not at the reception they will leave a notice. If a second time is not in the delivery address Post will leave a note collection to go to your nearest office. Express shipments are delivered by courier hand. If you are not in the delivery address will contact you.

Shop with confidence

100% Guarantee if your label has any flaw when you receive it, something that rarely happens, we will produce them again and send them to you without cost. If your envelope with your labels gets lost in its way to your home we will produce and send your order again.

Trusted website

We're verified by "Confianza Online" association. Our payment methods and privacy policies are verified by this third party organization so you can buy with confidence in our website

Why should you trust us?

We are a company with more than 20 years on the labels business and selling online since 2001. We're also fathers and we choose the best product your and our kids!

Payment Methods

In our website we have the following payment methods:

     Card payment

Think of us

"Our kids carry one in each set of keys. Great price, excellent service and good quality."

Product reviewed: Key Chains

Opinion brand Marcaropa
5 from
| 828 opinions

"Product faithful to the image and description made by the seller. A little big for my taste."

Product reviewed: Sewing tag on clothes

Labels marcaropa
3 from
| 828 opinions
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