Adhesive labels for communion | Adhesive labels for communion

Adhesive labels for communion

Adhesive labels for communion

  • Adhesive stickers with personalized text, ideal for making the details of the communion unique and very special.
  • Choose the size that best suits your needs: 45 mm (24 units) or 60 mm (30 units)
  • Use: Personalize the communion stickers including a large text that can be used for the child's name and a smaller text where you can put the date of the event or a small special dedication. It's up to you!
  • Perfect Communion! They are easy to place in all kinds of gifts to surprise your guests: boxes, jars and bottles, plastic bags, soaps, jam jars, invitation envelopes, candy boxes, candy bars...
  • Not suitable for clothing.
  • Application: Paste on any smooth, clean and dry surface.
  • Resistance: Dishwasher, microwave and freezer resistant.
  • Manufacturing in 48h and free shipping. Make your order online!
From 8,75€

(From [en]1x Etiquetas comunion 45mm (24 uds), shipping included)

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"They iron in 10s and withstand the washes quite a lot. They are like the ones of all the life."

Product reviewed: Classic clothing label

Opinion brand Marcaropa
5 from
| 808 opinions

"Very good quality and very good prices. I will visit soon! Keep some tags!"

Product reviewed: Tag to match socks

Labels marcaropa
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