Funny labels for clothes | | Funny labels for clothes

Funny labels for clothes

Funny labels for clothes

  • If you need many labels for different names this is your best option. We give you the labels with the design you choose and you write the names you need by hand. You can use any non-gel ink pen.
  • Use: Ideal for large families. Mark all the clothes with the name of each child.
  • Application: Write the name with any non-gel ink pen. Place the label on the garment and cover with the protective paper. Iron at maximum temperature without steam for 20 seconds. It can be applied on any type of fabric that does not have hair or curl. Follow instructions for use.
  • Resistance: They resist washing machine up to 60º C and tumble dryer.
  • Free shipping. Make your order online!
  • Each pack consists of 40 labels.
From 5,99€

(From 1 pack of 40 Labels, shipping included)

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Think of us

"It fits perfectly with the iron in different fabrics. I am very satisfied with the product and will certainly repeat."

Product reviewed: Classic clothing label

Opinion brand Marcaropa
4 from
| 808 opinions

"The labels I bought for my daughters camps are very cool! Very necessary."

Product reviewed: Children's vinyl wall slate

Labels marcaropa
5 from
| 808 opinions
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