Vinyl wall slate | | Vinyl wall slate

Vinyl wall slate

Vinyl wall slate

  • Let yourself be carried away by your creativity and choose our decorative blackboard wall stickers. Our wall stickers are ideal to decorate your kitchen, office, living room or any room in your home. They will also be very useful for writing notes, reminders, doing homework or simply drawing.
  • They are not repositionable, so you must apply them carefully.
  • Made of heavy-duty vinyl, these sticky boards are supplied in single units.
  • Material: Made of high-strength black slate vinyl.
  • Application: It can be applied on any clean, dry and smooth surface. Not suitable for rough walls. They are not removable. It should be applied carefully, first lifting one tip of the protector. It can be applied with the help of a ruler.
  • Use: Can be written or drawn with liquid chalk marker or traditional chalk, and is easily cleaned with a damp cloth. Do not use detergents, wash only with water.
  • Free Shipping and Delivery in 48 hrs.
From 13,25€

(From 1 x Blackboard Wall Decal, shipping included)

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