For sportspeople | For sportspeople

If your children do sports, they should definitely carry all the equipment marked so as not to be confused with the rest of the team. Use our labels to mark the clothes, to sew or to iron, or the adhesives, according to what you want to mark. In packs you will find combinations of labels for clothes and objects, to also mark your skis, tennis racket, bike, skates,...

Think of us

"It fits perfectly with the iron in different fabrics. I am very satisfied with the product and will certainly repeat."

Product reviewed: Classic clothing label

Opinion brand Marcaropa
4 from
| 813 opinions

"It is the second time that I make the same request and I have been happy again. In fact this time I forgot to put the name on the order and got in touch."

Product reviewed: Classic clothing label

Labels marcaropa
5 from
| 813 opinions
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