For summer camps | For summer camps

Do not let them lose anything in the camps! Mark their clothes with labels to iron or sew. With stickers of different sizes you can mark the flashlight, objects of personal cleanliness, etc. If they wear an identification bracelet with the contact information, you will avoid any displeasure if they slip away from the group. With the satin products they can locate their keys, backpack and bag.


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"I love the new labels for clothing my child! They are so pretty I do not want to use them! Thank you."

Product reviewed: Tags for sewing on clothing

Opinion brand Marcaropa
4 from
| 820 opinions

"The best labels to mark the clothes that I have ever bought without any kind of doubt !!!!! All right!"

Product reviewed: Vinyl Sticker for Clothes

Labels marcaropa
5 from
| 820 opinions
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