Custom Wall Meters | Custom Wall Meters

Colors, designs, shapes and sizes ... so you can surprise the little ones in the house when decorating their favorite environments. Our children's vinyls are ideal for use in bedrooms, play areas, etc. either on cabinets, walls or wherever you want!

With our decorative vinyls you can easily customize the rooms to your liking thanks to our variety of designs and colors. Discover them!

Kids Stickers: Wall Meters

With our wall meters you will follow the growth of your children day by day. You can apply these vinyls on any surface as long as it is clean, smooth and dry.

Enter our website and get our decorative vinyls and show off your creativity. A simple and practical way to personalize the children's room without making major changes. Meet our children's wall meters and discover how fast the little ones grow!

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"The first shipment did not arrive, but when I contacted with marcaropa charge were made and sorted out quickly."

Product reviewed: Embroidered label

Opinion brand Marcaropa
3 from
| 827 opinions

"Product faithful to the image and description made by the seller. A little big for my taste."

Product reviewed: Sewing tag on clothes

Labels marcaropa
3 from
| 827 opinions
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