Iron-on labels for clothing | Iron-on labels for clothing

Our thermo-adhesive fabric or vinyl clothing labels are the best option to mark and identify your garments in a simple and resistant way. Thanks to its production system and materials used, these labels can be 100% personalized by choosing the color, icon, model and size that best suits your needs.

Both our vinyl and fabric iron-on labels are highly resistant to friction from washers and dryers as well as heavy use. Our clothing labels are easily applied using the iron, achieving a perfect fixation.

Discover our wide variety of iron-on labels for clothing and personalized objects. Choose yours!

Iron-on labels to mark clothes

Our custom iron-on labels are ideal for marking school clothes. Nursery and sports for children, but also for adults and the elderly, whether in sports or work centers as well as in residences.

From Marcaropa we offer various thermoadhesive labels, fabric and vinyl labels, so that you can choose the best option when marking and identifying clothing items.

Unlike our sew-on clothing labels, iron-on labels offer the option of personalization by choosing ribbon color, decorative icon, letter color, and label width.

Iron-on label application: fabric or vinyl

Easy to apply, iron-on clothing labels only need to be ironed for 15 seconds and allowed to cool. Iron-on fabric labels can be ironed over with a thin tissue, while vinyl labels must be ironed using the liner that is shipped with the label order. Thanks to the manufacturing system and the materials used, the resistance to the use of washing machine and dryer is guaranteed. Discover them!

Step by Step: Discover how to apply our thermo-adhesive clothing labels.

Think of us

"I love the new labels for clothing my child! They are so pretty I do not want to use them! Thank you."

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Opinion brand Marcaropa
4 from
| 808 opinions

"Very satisfied with the product, arrived many days before the time I had been indicated. Ironing machines stick quickly."

Product reviewed: Classic clothing label

Labels marcaropa
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